Duration: 18 months
We aim to unlock the potential of gallium nitride (GaN) for photonic integrated circuits (PICs) in space applications. GaN's unique combination of large optical nonlinearities, high power capability, monolithic co-integration with electronics, and radiation resilience promises enhanced performance during extended space missions. Thanks to a unique concentration of R&D expertise and capital resources, the project partners will overcome prior material loss and coupling efficiency limitations in order to demonstrate highly nonlinear and low-loss waveguides for efficient supercontinuum generation for f-2f interferometry for the first time in a GaN PIC. This demonstrator will showcase GaN's potential as a PIC platform. Our project builds upon GaN's successful industrial track record in lighting, power, and microwave applications to reinforce the European Space Agency’s technology leadership in precision metrology for satellite telecommunication and navigation systems, such as V-band voltage-controlled oscillators stabilized by microwave photonics. Past ESA investments to qualify a local GaN microwave electronics supply chain will accelerate the mission readiness timeline of GaN PICs.