EOSOL is interested in study the feasibility to include the compact TM01 mode extractor in two product lines that are being offered currently by EOSOL. The first one is the Ka-band feed (and multi-frequency feeds) for ground control station for gateway, TT&C and Earth Observation downlink, where currently TE21 monopulse tracking is considered. This mode extractor is of great interest for mid-range (3-5m) antennas for LEO-MEO but could be also of application for bigger antennas. The second solution would be the feeds for SATCOM terminals. EOSOL is currently developing internally a X/Ka feed for naval SATCOM terminals without any monopulse tracking system due to the volume limitation in the terminal. The proposed compact monopulse solution could be included in the Ka-band chain without affecting the volume of the feed, including a very interesting functionality for terminal manufacturers. This could be an innovative element in the ground segment antennas (where there is a growing market) comparing with TE21 monopulse due to its simple mechanical design, reduction in mass, volume and manufacturing costs. During the project we would like to explore the benefits of additive manufacturing applied to this component and if first results are promising, consider the integration of several components (Horn + TM01 mode extractor) in the aim of reduce the number of elements in the feeder chain and its complexity.