Mission Control Rooms (MCRs) have barely changed since the beginning of the space era - experts sit at workstations arranged in rows with various displays and audio equipment. After more than 70 years, it's time to dare something new. Today, it is neither necessary nor advisable to force people to physically be in the same room to work together. We need to create new ways of collaboration. Our idea is to move the MCR into the virtual reality. Each virtual MCR (VMCR) user can configure their own virtual MCR including an individual workspace and display setup. The VMCR includes several conventional displays and video-walls, as well as 3D models of different planets and orbiting spacecrafts including their attitude, ground track and vision cone. The user may move freely and interact with the VMCR by walking or head movements, gesture recognition, control keys, and audio commands. Several users may collaborate and interact, using integrated audio connections and avatars. In addition, the VMCR implementation will also support multiple standard tools of collaboration, e.g., shared whiteboards and an integrated subsystem to record audio and video as well as screenshots and notes for documentation. Working together in VR will not only be immersive and interesting, but also productive.