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Exploring black hole surroundings with XMM-Newton, leading the way towards Athena observations



Organisational Unit
Implementation progress
18 November 2020

Duration: 36 months


Super-massive black holes are found at the centre of most galaxies. If they actively accrete material they become bright in X-rays, and we can study their properties with telescopes like XMM-Newton. We can measure the spin of the central black hole - a crucial parameter for our understanding of black hole evolution - and investigate the physics governing the accretion flow. In particular, we can analyse how photons emitted by the hot electron gas corona close to the black hole are reprocessed in the colder material of the accretion disk. We are studying the signatures of this reprocessing using state-of-the art timing and spectral analysis methods like reverberation mapping and comparing the findings to recently developed physical self-consistent models (Dauser, Wilms [FAU Erlangen], Garcia [Caltech]). Existing studies mainly concentrate on individual objects and often do not use self-consistent modelling. Here we propose a novel study, analysing systematically and coherently all available XMM-Newton data of super-massive black holes with high data quality in a uniform manner. The results will be put into context by using data from complementary X-ray telescopes, like NuSTAR, whenever available. In this new study, we will use and further develop the available self-consistent X-ray reflection models to describe the data. At the same time, we will use and enhance the existing state-of-the art X-ray telescope simulation software (SIXTE). SIXTE allows us to predict in unprecedented detail the observable signatures of astrophysical processes on a wide range of time scales for existing X-ray telescopes and future missions, especially Athena. These predictions can guide theoretical modelling work and explore the possibilities of future observations with Athena, which will usher in a new era in studies of the physics close to super-massive black-holes.

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Exploring black hole surroundings with XMM-Newton, leading the way towards Athena observations