Duration: 12 months
PROSIX presents a pioneering initiative, aimed at advancing small satellite capabilities through the development of bio-inspired foldable and deployable reflectors. These cutting-edge structures aim to disrupt small-sat technology by significantly enhancing communication, imaging, and sensing capabilities, thus opening new frontiers for scientific exploration and commercial applications in space. The primary objective of this proposal is to design, develop and test a set of demonstrators that showcases the feasibility, reliability, and effectiveness of foldable and deployable reflectors in small satellite missions. First set of demonstrators will be aimed at Ka band under an initial diameter of 650mm. Central to this effort is overcoming key technical challenges, including: -Structural Design and Optimization:Designing lightweight, compact, and reliable reflector structures capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of launch and deployment while maintaining precise shape and alignment in space environment. -Deployment Mechanisms:Integration of innovative deployment mechanisms that ensure reliable and efficient unfolding and stowing of the reflector system, guaranteeing smooth deployment and operational functionality. -Electromagnetic Performance:Optimizing the reflector surface properties to enable efficient reflection and redirection of electromagnetic radiation across a broad spectrum of frequencies, including custom radio frequency (RF) wavelengths, to meet the diverse mission requirements. Incorporating a bio-based concept to fold the reflector represents a novel approach inspired by nature's efficiency. Drawing inspiration from biological systems, such as the intricate folding mechanisms found in plant leaves, offers innovative solutions for compact and efficient reflector deployment in small satellites. By mimicking nature's design principles, we can create foldable structures that are not only lightweight and reliable, but also reach optimum spatial efficiency.