Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) is an emerging technology based around the principle of superimposing digital information on top of user's view of the real world. It promises a solution to critical challenges of both human–system integration and technical nature (e.g., lunar lighting conditions, workload, situational awareness) surrounding lunar EVAs of future astronauts. SAR has the potential to innovate mission procedures by assisting astronauts with numerous key tasks, including navigation, display of instructions and hazard warnings, allowing a seamless display of the former in the lunar environment ensuring high situational awareness during EVAs. Therefore, this PhD project investigates the use of SAR for lunar EVAs for training purposes and for mission support, while developing a design prototype of an application. Moreover, we plan to provide a smoother transition between training simulations and real-world applications by allowing for the flexible adjustment of the level of support between training scenarios and EVA mission support. To advance the utility of the application we plan to integrate an additional virtual reality mode, in which the proposed SAR features can be utilized for location- independent EVA training based on a virtual lunar environment. An additional augmented reality tool that might prove highly useful comes in the form of digital mini-maps displaying an overview of EVA missions. The mini map can furthermore serve as a novel mission support and collaborative tool, displaying an overview of EVA missions in front of astronauts and ground support. To ensure maximum usability, potential synergies between AR and other relevant interface technologies (e.g. haptics, eye -tracking) are investigated. Our SAR prototype will be designed to be modular and transferable to other settings and domains (e.g. concurrent engineering). The project promises a novel collaboration between multiple stakeholders and academic disciplines ( ESA- EAC, DLR, RWTH).