Until recently services from spacecraft at GEO dominated public usage of space. With the launch of the first Starlink spacecraft in 2018 the age of LEO mega-constellations begun: already tens of thousands of planned spacecraft are shifting usage of space to LEO. However, Space Weather (SW) prediction and monitoring at LEO is still inadequate. Most importantly, a normalized index of hardware malfunctions due to SW events does not exist and the relation of malfunctions to SW events is largely qualitative. We propose to introduce a real-time SEE Monitoring System to provide normalized SEU and SEL indices as a function of position and space weather conditions. A polar LEO nanosatellite carrying the following instrumentation will provide comprehensive, normalized monitoring of SW radiation effects: (A) An SEE monitor will provide real-time values of SEUs and SELs for the novel SEU and SEL indices: (A1) An SEU detection scheme consisting of SEU-sensitive memory units of various known LET onset values, developed using hardening by design techniques, will be read continuously by a radiation hardened control Unit. The control unit will recording in real time the number of SEUs that will then be normalized, deriving the SEU index as a function of time, position and SW parameters. (A2) An SEL detection scheme based on a well-characterized analog current monitoring block of a space-qualified Sensor Interface ASIC will detect and record over-currents that may lead to potential latch-ups. (B) A radiation monitor will measure trapped & solar energetic protons with energies from 4 MeV to > 200 MeV as well as the energy and LET spectra of ions. (C) A spacecraft charging monitor will correlate LEO surface charging with auroral precipitating electrons. (D) A magnetometer will monitor field-aligned currents that correlate with enhanced surface charging. (E) A solar cell performance monitor will measure the degradation of solar cell parameters due to the effects of particle radiation.
Contract number
OSIP Idea Id
Related OSIP Campaign
Nanosats for Spaceweather monitoring
PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT (PSI) SPARC: Space Applications and Research Consultancy UNIVERSITY OF SURREY OHB Hellas Ruder Bokovic Institute
Main application area
Space Safety