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Sustainable platform integrating Hazard Intervention, Endof-life management and Debris avoidance (SHIELD)



Prime contractor
Organisational Unit
Activity Type
27 January 2025

Duration: 6 months


We propose a technologically advanced satellite designed to demonstrate how the use of state-of-art automation and AI, both in orbit and on ground, coupled with an innovative SSA payload, can significantly improve end-of-life reliability, improve satellite capabilities in risky SSA scenarios, while reducing operational costs. The proposed concept addresses Point 1, 3, and 4 of the System Level Issues highlighted in the OSIP, and represents a significant evolution of satellite systems towards meeting Zero Debris policies. The concept foresees an autonomous 12U satellite platform boosting

  1. an innovative debris detector, based on photomultiplier tubes, with single-photon detection capability, allowing the detection of very faint moving objects,
  2. a high-performance AI computer, best-in-class for computational power efficiency, and
  3. a propulsion system based on a 6DOF cold gas Reaction Control Thruster.

The system allows to demonstrate the following important features as requested:

  1. A closed-loop, on-board, autonomous SSA system, to enable in-orbit debris collision risk assessment and the computation of corrective manoeuvres to reduce such risk. The system, which addresses Point 4 of the System Level Issues, is composed by: the innovative debris detector developed by UniTo; an on-board software for estimation of risk and for autonomous manoeuver computation, developed by AIKO; a propulsion system Perseus developed by Tyvak and T4I
  2. A Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) system, enhanced with Machine Learning capabilities, for comprehensive health monitoring and enhanced resilience. The system, which addresses Point 3 (and, to a minor extent, Point 1) of the System Level Issues, leverages: - On-board FDIR based on the complementary action of traditional threshold-based methods and Machine Learning algorithms; - ground software for enabling predictive maintenance and estimating end-of-life performances of the satellite mission.
Contract number
OSIP Idea Id
Related OSIP Campaign
CleanCube: Zero Derbis for CubeSat platforms
Main application area
Space Safety
Sustainable platform integrating Hazard Intervention, Endof-life management and Debris avoidance (SHIELD)