Duration: 9 months
Selene’s Explorer for Roughness, Regolith, Resources, Neutrons and Elements (SER3NE) is a small satellite mission performing gamma-ray and neutron spectroscopy, hyper-spectral near-infrared spectroscopy, and laser altimetry, roughness, and albedo observations at unprecedented spectral and ground resolution. The aim is to characterize the lunar surface to unravel its volatile origin and delivery processes, to uncover the geological processes that shaped the Moon, to prospect lunar resources for ISRU at future landing sites, to determine the exact neutron lifetime and the orbital evolution of the Earth-Moon system. The instruments will be carried by the modular, single-failure tolerant TUBiX20 satellite platform. To ensure the desired global coverage and resolution for all instruments the satellite will orbit the Moon on a polar 20x170km orbit with a slowly, naturally drifting argument of perilune over the mission lifetime of one year. SER3NE is planned to reach the Moon in ride-share with ispace’s lander in 2029.